Monthly Archives: October 2010


Obviously, the first post here was a little serious. And, the next few are likely to fall in the same vein, as I navigate the exit from one career and embark on an adventure to launch the next. I believe that, over time, you will find a mix of intellectual, spiritual, and humorous content here, should you choose to continue to follow my journey out of corporate America and into academia. I can only imagine what stories the next 10 months with no job will bring (not to mention 5 years in my mid-30s on a college campus), and I plan to share many of them.

But first, I feel the need to build a foundation that reveals the results of the introspection that led to this momentous decision as we begin this journey together. “Who’s coming with me?” (tip o’ the cap to Tom Cruise and Jerry Maguire).

If you can’t stomach the serious side, or at least feel the need to balance it out with some humor until I start posting about my favorite Spam and Ramen recipes (man, I’m going to miss fine Atlanta dining), check out my sister’s blog. Yes, it’s funnier than mine right now, but I’m writing about embarking on an idealistic journey of intellectual enlightenment; she’s writing about a 3-year old trying to poop in the yard, and a 5-year old that challenges her self-esteem.

In any event, soon there will be another post up about how I walked the corporate plank on my own terms, but first I felt the need to let you know what to expect here (plus, I wanted to give Sis a little pub).



Filed under Random